Taking a bath or shower means washing your body with soap and washing your hair with shampoo. How often you take a bath or shower will depend on your activities. If you take part in activities that get you dirty or make you sweaty, then you will need to get clean more often then someone who does not take part in such activities. A good rule to follow is to take at least one bath or shower each day no matter what and then if you get dirty and smelly while playing, you will need to get clean after your activities.

If you think you already follow the rules of good personal hygiene look in the activity section for an award to print and color along with other hygiene activity pages. Congratulations for keeping yourself so special and healthy!
When you follow the rules of good personal hygiene, you don't only help yourself, but you also help others. How? By keeping clean you are not spreading germs to others and you are not making them sick. Nobody gets offended by bad odors if you take a bath and brush your teeth either! You set a good example to those who look up to you when you get a good night's sleep, take good care of your teeth, exercise, bathe and eat healthy foods regularly. You know that you feel good about yourself and that you are the best you can be when you are well rested, clean, and full of foods that are healthy and good for you.